At EMA Training, the safety and wellbeing of our students is of the highest importance to us. We work extremely hard to ensure all our learners, young people, vulnerable persons, staff members, and volunteers have a safe environment to learn and work at all times.
Our EMA Training Safeguarding Procedure sets out a framework to ensure we abide by ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education and Education Act 2011′.
If you have any Safeguarding concerns when EMA Training is closed, you should contact:
0300 4564546 or 01629 532600
Contact the Police (999 in an emergency or 101 non-emergency) if you feel that a child or any other student is at immediate risk and in need of protection.
Top tips from Safer
If you need any support or advice on how to keep yourself safe online, contact our Safeguarding team for a chat by emailing: [email protected].
Further support and advice to help your child’s wellbeing